The user of this service understands and agrees: (1) The records provided by this service come from records maintained by the North Carolina Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC). The information is current only as of the previous working day, and the records are made available on an "as is" basis. The people entering the records for the AOC are fallible and, therefore, there may be mistakes in some records. Some records also depend on information provided by other agencies, such as the Division of Motor Vehicles, law enforcement, corrections, and other courts. For all those reasons, the provider of this service cannot guarantee that the records are accurate and complete. (2) Although this service uses as many identifiers as are available, including birth date, address, gender and race, the record found in a search still might be for someone other than the individual being searched. Criminal records generally do not include a social security number. (3) These records are provided only for the user's own use and may not be publicly disseminated by the user. (4) The user must comply with all applicable laws concerning access to or use of criminal records, and the user must comply with the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act, 15 USC 1681 et seq. (5) The user will hold the provider of this service, its officers and employees, harmless from any expense or damage resulting from the publication of information provided by this service. (6) The user will pay all bills for service according to the rate schedule in effect at the time of the use.
North Carolina Administrative Office of the Court (NC AOC) Disclaimer:
The official custodian of all official court records for each county in North Carolina is the clerk of superior court of that county. The North Carolina Administrative Office of the Courts (NCAOC) is not the official custodian of any case record and provides only copies of data entered by the clerks. Data provided through this service may not reflect pending or post-disposition activity on a case. The NCAOC does not warrant the accuracy of the data. To verify a record's accuracy, contact the clerk of the county of record.